Privacy Policy

Section One: Introduction:

The Global AI Summit (GAIN) is the leading platform for advancing the global discussion on AI, where visionary experts, academics, corporates, and policymakers converge from every part of the world to shape the future of artificial intelligence for the good of humanity. The Website/App allows the user to register in the event and follow up on the sessions and the associated activities with the event.

Section Two: Collected Data and Collecting Purpose

First: Collected data

Personal Data:
  • Gender (Mandatory)
  • Title (Mandatory)
  • First Name (Mandatory)
  • Last Name (Mandatory)
  • Profile photo
  • Suffix
  • Pronouns
  • Headline paragraph
  • About me paragraph
  • Social links (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Personal Website)
  • Calendar of the selected scheduled sessions
  • Company/Organization (Mandatory)
  • Position (Mandatory)
  • Industry (Mandatory)
  • City (Mandatory)
  • Country (Mandatory)
  • Cell Phone (Mandatory)
  • Direct Phone
  • Email (Mandatory)
  • Alternate Email
  • Nationality (Mandatory)
  • Date of Birth (Mandatory)
  • ID Document Number (Mandatory)
  • Why are you interested in attending the GAIN Summit? (Mandatory)
Device data:
  • IP address (internet protocol address a unique identifier for your computer or other device)
  • Mobile device ID (a distinctive number associated with a smart phone or similar handheld device.)
  • Cookies information

Second, the purpose of collecting data:

Purpose of collecting (Mandatory) Personal data, is to:
  • Facilitate communication between the event management and the attendee.
  • Verify attendee profile and badge.
  • Ensure the integration with Tawakkalna App.
  • Understand attendees’ segmentation and knowledge areas interests. Also, to organize the sessions’ areas.
  • Better crowd management.
Purpose of collecting (Optional) Personal data, is to:
  • Facilitate the communication between attendees in order to share state of the art knowledge and experiences.
  • Customize better user experience.
Purpose of collecting device data, is to:
  • Customize better user experience according to the device type.
  • Better utilization of the service in terms of performance and usability.
Section Three: Data Collection Methods:
Direct method:

The provided data by the Subject of the personal data on the website through registration.

Indirect method:

The provided data by the Subject of the device data on the website through registration / App store through app installation.

Section Four: Use of Personal Data:
We use personal and device data collected directly or indirectly as follows:
  • Personal data are only stored in company Richard Attias & Associates and other third parties working on behalf of the Saudi Data and AI Authority for the organization of the GAIN Summit.
  • Personal data are used to complete the registration process, improve the beneficiary experience and issue the approval notification then generate the entrance badge through Twakklna App .
  • The following data fields (Title, Name, Position, Company/Organization) will appear automatically in the networking section and you can hide it from the settings section.
Section Five: Storing and Destroying Personal Data:

Personal and device data are stored in KSA on Richard Attias & Associates servers.

The website/application administration is keen to ensure that these servers are protected with the best technologies in accordance with the policies and controls of the National Cybersecurity Authority and international standards in order to ensure the prevention of unauthorized access and reduction of cyber risks.

Richard Attias & Associates will then destroy the data within a week after the end of global AI summit in a safe manner, through which the data cannot be viewed or recovered again.

Section Six: Legal Basis for Collecting and Processing Personal Data:

The legal basis is the consent of the personal data Subject. The Subject can withdraw consent at any time, unless there is another legal basis.

To do so, one can contact the Data Management Office at the Saudi Data and AI Authority (SDAIA)

Section Seven: Rights of the Personal Data Subject:
Right to know:

The personal data Subject has the right to know how we collect their data, the legal basis for collecting and processing data, how data is processed, stored, and destroyed, and with whom the data will be shared. You can browse all the details through the Privacy Policy (this policy), or you can contact us using the means of communication described in Section Nine.

Right to access or request access to personal data:

The personal data Subject has the right to request a copy of their personal data via the email provided in Section Nine. It will be provided, free of charge, within [seven business days], through [the means through which the personal data will be provided to the Subject]

Right to have personal data corrected:

The personal data Subject has the right to request the correction of their personal data that they consider inaccurate, incorrect, or incomplete via [the email provided in Section Nine]. The request will be reviewed and updated within [seven business days]. The personal data Subject will be notified of this through [the means through which the personal data will be provided to the Subject].

Right to destroy personal data:

The personal data Subject has the right to request the destruction of their personal data in certain circumstances (unless there is a legal provision specifying a specific period of retention or contractual requirements).

Section Eight: Share/Exchange of Personal Data:

There is sharing and exchange of personal data collected through the website/application with the following parties.

  • Richard Attias & Associates
  • Tawakkalna App

No other sharing or exchange with third parties.

Section Nine: Exercising the Rights of the Subject of Personal Data:

The Subject of personal data has the right to request access/correction/destruction of their data by contacting the following email:

(Global AI summit team)

Section Ten: Personal Data Protection Officer:
  • Name: Data Management Office at the Saudi Data & AI Authority (SDAIA).
  • Email :
Section Eleven: Complaints and Inquiries:

In the event of some complaints or inquiries related to the privacy policy or the handling of personal data, the website/application administration can be contacted via the following email (Global AI summit team) If no response is received within seven business days, the complaint or inquiry should be submitted to the Authority’s Data Management Office،If the problem or response is not resolved within seven business days, it should be submitted to the National Data Management Office (NDMO) by email

Section Twelve: Privacy Policy Updates
  • The privacy policy was last updated on (08/08/2024). You can view the update log via:
  • The website/application administration reserves the right to add or change any of the provisions of the privacy policy. The website/application will notify the data Subject of this. The website administration has the right to terminate the data Subject’s account if they do not accept any change in the privacy policy.
Section Thirteen: Website/Application administration:
  • Website/Application Supervising Entity: Saudi Data & AI Authority (SDAIA).